WMAD Events

April 12, 2024
Lunch & Learn + Mini Vendor Fair

Katie Snapp

‘Brave Transitions:  The Guide to Maintaining Composure in Work & Life’

Katie Snapp | Speaker, Author, Leader, Consultant

As a woman paves her way through a career, she also is likely to positively influence her environment in a way that builds her confidence and stacks her experience. But detours can disrupt the flow, inevitably causing stress, frantic reactions, and early wrinkles where you don’t want them.

Katie will share the cyclical nature of change and how our reactions reflect this at a personal level. When we get stuck and cannot move through the change, it helps to label our reaction and the loss beneath it that may be holding us back.

She’s the founder of Skirt Strategies and Better-Leadership.com, an online resource for what she refers to as the “Everyday Leader.” She comes from a corporate business environment and technical production, where the daily grind was less than inspiring, until she found the hidden secrets in transforming work into creative prospecting.

With 28 years of workshop and leader coaching experience, leaders love hearing her deliver because they leave with actionable techniques and practical, immediate walk-away’s.

Katie Snapp, Skirt Strategist & Leadership Coach



April WMAD Lunch & Learn

Enter your name and company name below, then make payment. If registering for more than one person, please enter both names/businesses.

Amount: $37.00

How many will attend?

Spambot blocker question

8 - 1 =

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Validating payment information...
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WMAD Lunch & Learn with 3' Vendor Table

Enter your name and company name below, then make payment.

Amount: $67.00

Security Question

2 - 1 =

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Validating payment information...
Waiting for PayPal...

WMAD Lunch & Learn with 6' Vendor Table

Enter name and company or you and your guest below, then make payment.

Amount: $97.00

Security Question

8 + 8 =

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Validating payment information...
Waiting for PayPal...

May 10, 2024
Enhance Your Networking Game Virtual 11:30am-1:00pm

This event focuses on networking and making connections to begin building relationships.  Thought provoking questions leading you to multiple 1-on-1 breakout sessions during our time together.
Here’s what to expect:
  • introduce yourself to the entire group
  • gain new prospects from different breakout rooms
  • catch up with former acquaintances sharing a new service or product you’re offering
  • zoom is a more inviting option for introverts of the shy type
  • no travel time wasted
  • only have to dress your top half; wear pajama bottoms and slippers 
N/C for WMAD Community Members
$17 for non-members

May WMAD Virtual Enhance Your Networking Game

Enter your name and company name below, then make payment. If registering for more than one person, please enter both names/businesses.

Amount: $17.00

How many will attend?

Spambot blocker question

8 - 2 =

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Waiting for PayPal...
Validating payment information...
Waiting for PayPal...

June 21, 2024
Lunch & Learn + Mini Vendor Fair

Val Romero | Val@WomenMakeADifference.com | (505)362-8546

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